David G. Smith, well known as the “PanMan”, who resides in the western region of New York State, is both a collector and dealer of Cast Iron Cookware. He has been collecting for over thirty years during which time he has assembled one of the finest collections of Iron Muffin Pans and Broilersin the nation. Not content with only collecting early cookware, David Smith became keenly interested in the history of cast iron cookware and its manufacturers.He spent hundreds of hours researching both. In addition to collecting, he has been actively buying and selling iron cookware for over a decade.
David Smith is the co-author of “The Book of Griswold & Wagner, and the “Book of Wagner & Griswold. He was a contributing author to the authoritative kitchenware book, “300 Years of Kitchen Collectibles” by Linda Campbell Franklin, and has had articles published in various antique trade publications.
Wagner and Griswold Society
KOOKS – Kollectors of Old Kitchen Stuff
Antique Stove Association
International Dutch Oven Society
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